How to get monsters?

How to get mosnters?

There are 3 ways to get monsters in Eternal Spire

  1. Summon your monsters in the summon portal.

  2. Trade monsters in the marketplace.

  3. NFT gifts from development team

Each player account has 999 monster slots. If you reach 999 monsters, you are not allowed to summon or buy any monsters until you sell one.


You can consume summon stones to summon monsters.

Each summon will summon 1 monster. Each has a fixed cost of 0.1 BNB, paid by ENSP. You need 3 monsters in order to form a team.

There are different rarities of monsters. Including : Common , Rare , Epic, Legendary and Unique.

Unique monsters will be unlocked in 2022Q2.

Marketplace trading

Players can trade their monsters in marketplace with 6% tax.

Last updated