Kingdom DAO builds up a unique game community with exclusive right and benefit
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Kingdom DAO builds up a unique game community with exclusive right and benefit
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For players who own a Tavern, they will receive beer as daily rewards. Beer acts as the token in entire Kingdom DAO. There are couples of function that Beer can perform:
Players can vote by consuming Beer in the community contest(e.g Character Design Contest) and development direction.
Players can consume Beer to buy and change the in-game music.
Kingdom performs as a Meta Game platform, which plans to expand it game variety. Players with Beer can enjoy whitelist and other exclusive benefit in the new game launch.
No Beer! No Friend! With Beer, Players can unite with each others and forms a gamer community. Players can consume Beer to build their own Game Guild. Also, they can unlock features with the beer token.
Kingdom will partner with other Web 3 project. Players can use Beer to obtain the whitelist and exclusive partnership rewards.
If Kingdom community member would like to launch their own game and seek for some advice, they can consume Beer to consult the project team.